We hear more and more about protein and its essential nature for the body and health, but what exactly is it for? Why should we pay attention to our protein intake or supplement our diet with protein powders or bars for example?
In this article, we present 3 good reasons to adopt a daily protein routine, and it’s much easier than you think… Let’s get started!
1. Plant-based protein helps you stay energized from morning to night
Sustained energy throughout the day
One of the first benefits of a sufficient protein intake is to maintain a stable energy level to be able to carry out all our activities. Since protein is a nutrient that is digested more slowly than carbohydrates for example (fruits, cereals, etc.), as well as several other factors, protein keeps us full for longer!¹
No more tiredness or need to snack during the day thanks to vegetable protein and the effective feeling of satiety it brings: a greater and longer lasting feeling of satiety than that experienced with egg or whey protein²³⁴⁵⁶.

But how much should you take?
International authorities (WHO, Health Canada, USDA, OSAV, etc.) agree that an intake of 0.8g of protein per kg of body mass is essential to maintain health for an adult.
And can we take too much? An intake of less than 2 g / kg of body mass is generally recognized as being quite safe for a healthy adult.
2. An immune system at its best with plant protein
A daily intake of plant protein supports the body to express its full potential
Plant protein helps protect the immune system by building antibodies.
Plant protein is also beneficial on many other levels for health, such as lowering blood pressure7 or reducing bad cholesterol levels8… We talk more about this in our article: Organic rice protein: 3 extraordinary virtues.
3. Plant protein, an essential ally in maintaining healthy muscle and bone mass
Growing up and aging well is possible with plant protein
Plant protein is a miraculous aid when consumed on a daily basis, as it helps maintain vitality and autonomy throughout life. In fact, thanks to its amino acid content, protein helps maintain muscle mass with age. Did you know that? Our muscles are the only organ of the body that “does not age” if it is properly maintained (physical exercise + sufficient protein intake).
When the body lacks amino acids (essential to all mechanisms in the body), it will draw them from the muscles, its main reserve, and this destroys the muscle fibers. This is why it is necessary to have enough amino acids at all times, as found in vegetable protein.
So, whether you’re a child, teenager, adult or senior citizen, plant protein prevents the loss of muscle mass associated with aging9 and helps maintain a healthy bone structure.

BONUS: 4. an easy protein addition to your routine
Plant-based protein powder: Endless possibilities at your fingertips!
In a fast-paced world where we are “juggling” the various responsibilities of daily life, we might think, “But how do I meet my protein needs?” Our advice: vegetable protein powder!
Protein powder is more concentrated than "whole" sources of protein such as tofu, legumes, etc. and is easy and quick to prepare.
Whatever your needs, vegetable protein allows you to quickly integrate this precious nutrient into your daily diet: At breakfast in a smoothie or shake, or the same option at lunch if time is short… And protein can also be added to your meals! In soup, in cookies or muffins to replace some of the flour, in guacamole or hummus, in salad dressing, in morning oats, in the form of energy balls… why not make a healthy version of the famous chocolate & hazelnut spread whose name we won’t name?
A nut butter, unsweetened cocoa, a bit of protein and vegetable milk and you have a delicious, gourmet and supportive spread! There’s something in it for everyone, even the kids can get some deep nourishment before school: a spinach and mango protein smoothie or some healthy homemade pancakes and you’re done!
Here’s to your health!
1. P. Morell, S. Fiszman, Revisiting the role of protein-induced satiation and satiety, Food Hydrocolloids, Volume 68, 2017, Pages 199-210, ISSN 0268-005X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2016.08.003. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0268005X1630340X)
2. Gausserès N, Mahè S, Benamouzig R, Luengo C, Drouet H, Rautureau J, Tomè D. The gastro-ileal digestion of 15N-labelled pea nitrogen in adult humans. Br J Nutr. 1996 Jul;76(1):75-85.
3. Smith CE, Mollard RC, Luhovyy BL, Anderson GH. The effect of yellow pea protein and fibre on short-term food intake, subjective appetite and glycaemic response in healthy young men. Br J Nutr. 2012 Aug;108 Suppl 1:S74-80.
4. Abou-Samra R, Keersmaekers L, Brienza D, Mukherjee R, Macé K. Effect of different protein sources on satiation and short-term satiety when consumed as a starter. Nutr J. 2011 Dec 23;10:139.
5. Geraedts MC, Troost FJ, Munsters MJ, et al. **Intraduodenal administration of intact pea protein effectively reduces food intake in both lean and obese male subjects. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e24878.
6. Diepvens K, Häberer D, Westerterp-Plantenga M. Different proteins and biopeptides differently affect satiety and anorexigenic/orexigenic hormones in healthy humans. Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 Mar;32(3):510-8.
7. Li H, Prairie N, Udenigwe CC, Adebiyi AP, Tappia PS, Aukema HM, Jones PJ, Aluko RE. Blood pressure lowering effect of a pea protein hydrolysate in hypertensive rats and humans. J Agric Food Chem. 2011 Sep 28;59(18):9854-60.
8. Yang, L., Chen, JH., Lv, J. et al. Rice protein improves adiposity, body weight and reduces lipids level in rats through modification of triglyceride metabolism. Lipids Health Dis 11, 24 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/1476-511X-11-24.
9. Bonjour JP. Protein intake and bone health. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2011 Mar;81(2-3):134-42. doi: 10.1024/0300-9831/a000063. PMID: 22139564.