Dairy-free plant-based protein: a healthy alternative!
Dairy products are a recognized source of many minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. However, more and more people are looking at alternatives these days… But why?
Nature Zen has chosen not to include dairy in its products for several reasons, well in line with its mission to be a leader in terms of the latest nutritional research and breakthroughs.
We understand and respect the choice to consume milk or whey protein. However, a quality plant-based protein can support people looking for other options or who have dietary restrictions due to a health condition.
We are pleased to introduce to you the main reasons why Nature Zen chose not to use dairy in its products, and how plant-based protein is a solid alternative for improving and maintaining your health.
1. Dairy products: The “small” consequences...
The most common conditions, and not the least.
Sometimes what we eat affects us without us realizing it.

By choosing plant-based protein powder, there are many health problems that can be avoided.
In addition to being difficult to digest for many people, dairy products have now become a major allergen that promotes asthma, type 1 diabetes, even certain types of cancer, at all ages, starting with infants.
It has been found that cow’s milk products promote eczema at all ages, as well as migraines. Sometimes what we eat affects us without us realizing it.
Dairy products are not actually a nutritional requirement for humans and in fact can create a number of complications with digestion as well as the above mentioned issues. We can get all the nutrients we need from a high quality diet including plant protein.
Also, an increase of even one glass of cow’s milk per day during adolescence would result in a 9% increase in the risk of bone fractures in adulthood according to clinical studies.
With the increase of these conditions, a quality plant-based diet can both nourish and sustain the body nutritionally as well as support a healthy immune system. Young and old can benefit from a clean, efficient source of nourishment like Nature Zen protein.
2. From cholesterol to obesity
These diseases avoided with plant-based protein powder.
The impact of cow’s milk consumption on health should also be taken into consideration, as it contains saturated fats and cholesterol that can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, as well as obesity.
Healthy alternatives are arriving more and more and with them, the possibility to promote longevity and a healthy and happy heart!
You can discover the benefits of Nature Zen rice protein (organic and gluten-free) in our article: Organic Rice Protein: 3 extraordinary virtues.
3. Consuming dairy products also means polluting
How dairy affects our interior and exterior environment.
On another note, the dairy industry is also a very polluting industry due to its significant generation of methane, which is 25 more potent that Co2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere, making it an even more harmful greenhouse gas.
Did you know that “dairy cows are among the biggest agricultural contributors to both climate change and water pollution”? Decomposing manure generates green house gases as well as pollutants such as nitrogen to our water supply.
There is also the humane aspect that asks to be considered. Even among farmers that genuinely care for their animals, there are dairy farm practices that are in place more to satisfy human demand than to tend to the animal’s natural life cycle.
In summary, whether you are looking to stop eating milk-based products or to vary your protein intake, plant-based protein is a safe bet, whether for your body or the environment. Try it and see!