Protein during pregnancy: What you need to know...
When we have a child, our life changes significantly: The active woman we already were reaches a new level of multitasking: a family to manage, children to raise and nurture to give him/her the very best… In addition to our couple and the other dimensions of our life that still require attention.
But what we tend to forget is our need for protein during pregnancy, because our body is tested, turned upside down during pregnancy… So we need to nourish it deeply to meet all the care it needs before, during and post post-partum.
Nutrition is of course essential and high quality vegan protein during pregnancy like Nature Zen is a key for maintaining your vitality and baby’s health during your pregnancy and after.

1. A baby-friendly vegan protein during pregnancy
Breastfeeding with even better quality breast milk.
Everything we eat during pregnancy and afterwards goes directly to the production of breast milk by our body, so we understand how important it is to eat well so that our child has all the essential elements it needs to grow well. With Nature Zen’s plant-based and organic protein, the mother makes sure that she does not put any chemical products in her body, because our protein is organic, vegetable and even gluten free. The average woman needs 46 g of protein per day. When pregnant, she needs 60 g (approx. 6 eggs) of protein per day. With one serving of our Nature Origin protein, you have 23 g of protein. Add to that a protein bar for example and balanced meals, and you will easily reach your protein goal. Thus, the milk produced by the body will be even more nourishing and respectful of the child and his health.
An essential postpartum support.
During post-partum, the woman’s body can return to its initial shape in only 6 weeks, it’s very fast! So you need energy to get through this period, and this is what Nature Zen vegetable protein provides. Indeed, thanks to its high assimilation which is deep in the cells, it brings a feeling of satiety¹² which helps to stop snacking during the day and thus allows our body to resume a suitable rhythm in terms of our diet. We find all our energy to do our activities and be 100% present with baby.

2. A vegan protein perfect for an active life as a mother.
A daily deep nourishment for our cells.
Taking calls, going to work, preparing meals, going to daycare, rocking baby to sleep, laughing as a family, feeling tired with joy and then starting a new day… That’s why it’s important to eat enough of protein during pregnancy, to have all the energy you need. This vegan and organic protein is there to provide you with the energy you need on a daily basis, with all the vitamins and minerals of the Essential range and its wide variety of flavors, it becomes easy to ensure a good energy on a daily basis!
It can be cooked, baked, or on the go in a shake… Also it is sugar free, you are free to add the sweetener you prefer, you have the peace of mind of not gaining weight with our organic plant-based protein, activity and a healthy diet.
A plant-based protein for kids
Dr. Laure-Anne Pierson, a devoted mother and food expert.My 1.5 year son loves Nature Zen protein... his is already a fan of his morning smoothie or protein bowl... he has always eaten vegan protein and whoever meets him, they can see that he is in top health.
Yes our plant-based protein is also good for kids! The protein bars are excellent, we offer three flavors – chocolate, strawberry and salted caramel – with a minimum of 12g of protein in a single bar, they will have energy at school and to do their homework, for sure! Simply adjust protein to a more reasonable proportion (half a spoon) in a shake or smoothie for breakfast or to take to school and that will do the trick.